Quality Lab is a software testing services and QA company with over 12 years of international experience and an established high level of business performance.

Quality Lab’s software testing and QA expertise goes beyond the IT sector. Over the years, we’ve worked with non-it organizations and have helped them achieve higher customer satisfaction rates.


Why us?

Strong expertise

Each member of the team has valuable experience and background in software testing and QA. Over the years many of our experts, testers and QA specialists were hired as professional speakers at industry events and conferences.We are ready to present needed solutions constantly as updating our knowledge base is the key to our work.

Customer service

We value our clients and their time. Delivering positive client service is extremely important to us. Thus, we are aiming to ensure that clients are pleased and all their questions are answered. Throughout each project we collect the feedback at every stage and focus on what could be done in order to attain positive client experience.

Result-oriented approach

Quality Lab believes in honesty and openness when it comes to communication with clients. We truly understand that our services encompass more than just resolving technical defects and problems at a single moment. The Quality Lab team works efficiently and is also interested in achieving better final results of the client’s product, including satisfying the expectations of the product's end users.

Teamwork and dedication

Quality Lab has a total of 376+ employees from all around the globe, who are always ready to provide support and offer the right solution to the newly occurring problem. Our team experts would provide comprehensive and precise reports to the clients and we would also implement the quality control and check the procedures of resolving detected bugs and defects.


The reports we present to clients contain authentic detailed information which shows the exact quality status of the tested product. Relying on this data, clients are able to implement important decisions about their product with greater confidence. Variations to client’s methods and other suggestions regarding current testing processes might be offered only if it is beneficial and practical for the production and its end goals.

International experience

Rapid progress in today's technology-oriented era has enhanced our lives considerably. Working with global and international companies of all levels and sizes allows us to constantly stay UpToDate with specific industry insights and applied professional knowledge. Therefore, we are able to fulfill our obligations even under stressed circumstances or in vastly changing business environments.

Quality Lab experts aim to ensure that product’s defects are found and fixed without affecting other business operations. Our support team is available 24/7 to work on customer requests.

We have over 376 QA specialists, who are knowledgeable in various fields, including:

Web portals
Document management


Mobile applications



Let's start working on your project now!

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