
Challenges in Software Testing

Software testing process is getting more complex. It is more than just the testing itself, there are various quality assurance activities, responsibilities and roles involved – all of which require commitment and diligence. If you want to experience success as a software testing company, it’s important to understand the possible pitfalls that can occur throughout all stages of the QA cycle. Let’s take a look at some issues that can affect your ability to develop software in line with industry recommendations.

Here are some common mistakes that can occur during the software testing process:

  • Late test start. Starting the testing process too late in the development cycle can lead to missed deadlines and additional costs. For example, if critical defects are not found as early as possible in the development process, there may not be enough time to fix them before the software is released. This can lead to the need for additional testing cycles or even the need to delay the release. Starting the testing process too late in the development cycle can also lead to an increased risk of defects being discovered after release: The longer testing is delayed, the more likely it is that defects will be discovered after the software has been installed on producton. This can result in additional costs for fixing defects and potentially lost customers due to the poor quality of the software.
  • Poor preparation for testing processes. If a test plan is not created, it  may be difficult to ensure that the testing efforts are aligned with the long-term business goals and global objectives of the software. In this case testing efforts can be misdirected or even  unnecessary, which leads to inefficiencies. Additionally, it is important to mention that without outlined test cases and checkpoints, testers might not have a fair understanding of what they are supposed to test for and why. This can result in confusion and a lack of focus and motivation, thus missed defects and inefficiencies can appear.
  • Relying too heavily on automation. While automated tests can be helpful, they are not a replacement for manual testing and can miss certain defects. This is because automated tests are based on pre-defined rules and may not be able to identify defects that fall outside of those rules. For example, an automated test may not be able to recognize a defect in the layout of a user interface if it is only programmed to test for functional defects. Also it is important to consider the fact that Automated tests need to be updated as the software changes.. If you rely on automation too much, it may be difficult to keep up with the updates required, as a result of that, missed defects can still occur. Therefore, when automation is considered for the long run it might require a significant investment in tools and maintenance.
  • Not involving customers and stakeholders into test process when it is possible. End users often have a different perspective than developers, and involving them in the test process can help identify issues that may have been missed otherwise. For example,  end users may use the software in ways that are different from the intended (origin) usage patterns, and may follow business scenarios which developers and testers did not anticipate, while developing software. Involving end users in the testing process can help identify these issues. When developing any software it is also important to consider the hardware or software configurations. End users may use different hardware or software configurations than those used by developers and testers, and this can result in defects being missed if end users are not involved in the testing process as well.
  • Not properly training testers. Now this is an extremely important pitfall companies might face when they are at the beginning of their software testing setup. Testers need to have a thorough understanding of the software and the testing process in order to be effective. Experience is also something that can boost up the team. Thus, providing adequate training, setting up a comfortable environment and valuing everyone’s input  can help ensure that testers are able to identify and report defects accurately.

The Importance of Professional Attitude and Dedication in the Software Testing Process

Well, if you’ve made it this far, then first of all thank you for your time and attention to this important topic. And also, we hope that you’ve not become worried as most of the common mistakes that occur during software testing, such as overlooking manual testing, are indeed preventable.

If you approach each phase of the QA process with a professional attitude and dedication to quality, you’ll be able to achieve excellent results. And Quality Lab can significantly help you with that. With 12+ years of experience and our genuine love for software testing, we’ve already helped more than 270 companies consider the possible failure points where their overall strategy can fall apart. Quality Lab can help you identify all potential issues before they become major problems, allowing you to create a solid strategy for all of your software testing endeavors.